Welcoming Katherine Susich to Discovering Justice!

Discovering Justice is excited to welcome Katherine Susich to its staff. Katherine joins the team as Development and Administrative Associate.

Katherine believes strongly in the role of democracy and civic education in mitigating social conflict and building prosperous, inclusive communities. Before joining Discovering Justice in November, she worked as the Program Associate for the Consortium on Gender, Security, and Human Rights at the University of Massachusetts – Boston. Katherine graduated from The Catholic University of America with degrees in History and World Politics, and earned a master’s degree in Conflict Transformation and Social Justice from Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland.

A key administrative support and essential member of Discovering Justice’s Fundraising team, Katherine works with COO Ann Gogol to improve administrative and development systems, to steward donors, foundations, and more, and to coordinate our spring Gala’s online auction.

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Kayla Nordman

Kayla Nordman believes strongly in expanding access to comprehensive civic education to provide the next generation with the resources they need to uphold and expand upon the values of American democracy and create a more equitable future. Before joining Discovering Justice, she worked as a Legislative Intern at the Massachusetts State House and as a Program Manager for the Massachusetts Center for Civic Education. Kayla graduated from Suffolk University with a BA in International Relations.