Children Discovering Justice (CDJ) is a Massachusetts standards-based K-5 civics curriculum that has been revised and enhanced this year through feedback from Teacher Leaders and Professional Development cohort participants throughout the Commonwealth. Teachers can now access fully updated CDJ resources to elevate student discourse and build deeper social studies and civics connections in their classrooms.
Erin Wallace, a 3rd grade teacher in Boston, shared, “The materials are very engaging and give students of all learning styles and abilities an access point!”

This spring, CDJ classrooms are beginning to develop and implement civic action projects, from installing take-home food bins that reduce waste at school, to letters advocating for changes to the Massachusetts state flag. Using CDJ’s Justice Cycle and Justice Journal, students explore justice issues, enact research, make plans, and take action as a class – learning that they have a voice they can use to advocate for change in their communities.

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