Our Spring Fellows will spend a semester working on Discovering Justice programs.

Hanna Bregman
Hanna believes that all young people deserve equal access to a comprehensive civic education curriculum and the space to act as engaged community members. She is eager to facilitate student-facing civic programming with Discovering Justice. Hanna graduated from Tufts University in 2023. As Program Fellow, Hanna works with Mock Appeal Program Manager Kiley Hartman to manage the 29 Mock Appeal teams and their final events in May and June. In addition, she works with Courthouse Programs Manager Emily Dall'Orso to lead field trips and tours.

Kayla Nordman
Kayla Nordman believes strongly in expanding access to comprehensive civic education to provide the next generation with the resources they need to uphold and expand upon the values of American democracy and create a more equitable future. She graduated from Suffolk University in 2023. As Advocacy Fellow, Kayla works with Executive Director Matt Wilson to coordinate the MCLC's public education and advocacy work to ensure funding for state and district civic education through the Civics Project Trust Fund.